Tiny Home Regulations in North Carolina: The Complete Guide

Whether you want to live minimalistically or are looking for a more affordable way to start your journey to homeownership, tiny homes provide the perfect solution. When you begin searching for tiny homes, many questions will arise. What is a tiny home? Is that the same thing as a park model? What are the North Carolina tiny home laws? In this blog, we’ll answer all of those questions and more.
The state of North Carolina’s residential building code requires a habitable room to have a minimum floor area of 70 square feet. In addition, the NC Department of Insurance released a memo regarding its regulations for tiny homes, which many areas in North Carolina follow.
North Carolina is a very friendly state for those interested in owning a tiny home. Most counties follow the state residential building code or the memo regarding tiny homes. There are some unclear tiny house laws in North Carolina, but since the state is so accepting of tiny homes, it’s worth contacting your local government to see if they’ll permit your tiny home.
Are Park Models the Same Thing As Tiny Homes?

Yes. Park models can be considered tiny homes; and would be considered at THOWs. However, whether your county will allow them to be used as permanent residences will depend on the zoning regulations in your area. Some counties will not allow a home on wheels to be used as a tiny home, while others will be okay with it as long as it’s set up on a permanent foundation. Keep reading to find out what your county allows.
Additionally, all the tiny homes we build at Zook Cabins are built to RVIA 119.5 standards. However that is not the only certification. If you want to learn more about ways that tiny homes are certified, we recommend taking a look at our blog RVIA Vs NOAH Tiny Homes.
What Counties in North Carolina Allow Park Model Tiny Homes?

North Carolina is a very friendly state for those interested in living in a tiny home. However, tiny house laws in North Carolina tend to be stricter regarding park model tiny homes. Regulations can also vary between different cities and towns within its borders, so it’s best to check with your local zoning or planning department to find out what’s allowed.
Find Your Park Model Tiny Home Regulations in NC by County
Alamance County | Alamance County Zoning Ordinance |
Clay County | Clay County Tiny Home Regulations |
Duplin County | Duplin County Minimum Housing Standards |
Forsyth County | Forsyth County Code of Ordinances |
Henderson County | Article Discussing Tiny Homes in Henderson Henderson County Zoning Regulations Henderson County Tiny Home Community |
Hyde County | Hyde County Code of Ordinances |
Jones County | Jones County Ordinances |
Lee County | Lee County Code of Ordinances |
Martin County | Martin County Code of Ordinances |
New Hanover County | New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance New Hanover County Planning and Land Use Department |
Orange County | Orange County Code of Ordinances |
Polk County | Polk County Zoning Ordinance |
Watauga County | Watauga County Ordinances |
Wayne County | Wayne County Minimum Housing Code |
Does Alamance County, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes, so long as the home is between 200 and 800 square feet and complies with your local construction and building requirements. In addition, it must be placed on a lot approved for use for tiny homes in your area in Alamance County.
Does Clay County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, they have a specific set of guidelines outlining the rules for RV and tiny home parks where people can reside in their tiny homes.
Does Duplin County, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes, they only require a minimum of 150 square feet of habitable floor area for one occupant and 75 square feet more for each additional occupant. Additionally, a recreational vehicle, if being used permanently, will simply be classified as a manufactured home and must follow their guidelines. The requirements of manufactured homes include having exterior siding that’s either painted or stained wood, having some type of skirting, whether brick curtain, ABS plastic, or PVC painted metal, and being hooked up to proper utilities.
Does Forsyth County, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes. Forsyth County defines a dwelling as a building, structure, manufactured or mobile home, or part thereof used for human habitation. It even includes outhouses and appurtenances. Mobile or manufactured homes are only prohibited if they intend to be used for seasonal vacations.
In addition, the minimum floor area is 150 square feet for one occupant and an additional 100 square feet for each other individual who resides there. If you’re unsure whether your tiny home fits these parameters or if your local building code allows it, be sure to check with your local building or zoning department.
Does Henderson County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, in fact, they are home to a tiny home community known as The Simple Life.
Does Hyde County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, they follow the minimum requirements for habitable room floor area set forth by the state of North Carolina, meaning each room must have a minimum of 70 square feet for one occupant. Additionally, they permit RVs for permanent residences so long as they reside in a designated RV park.
Does Jones County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, they permit tiny homes and define them as structures that are 400 square feet or less. No regulations specifically reference recreational vehicles or park models, but counties friendly to tiny homes may be friendly to RVs as well.
Does Lee County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, they follow the NC state building code, which requires one habitable room to be at least 150 square feet, any additional rooms to be at least 70 square feet, and any kitchen to be at least 50 square feet. They also permit RVs for either temporary or permanent use.
Does Martin County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, any dwelling unit may be permanently occupied so long as it has a minimum floor area of 150 square feet for one occupant and an additional 75 square feet of habitable space for each additional occupant.
Does New Hanover County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, they allow travel trailers and RVs to be used as dwelling units so long as they’re placed in an approved campground or RV park.
Does Wilmington, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, they require a minimum floor area of 150 square feet for one occupant and 100 square feet for any additional occupants.
Does Orange County, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes. Mobile or manufactured homes are permitted for use as permanent residences so long as they’re on a foundation or connected to proper utilities and meet the minimum square footage requirement of 320 square feet. While no direct reference is made to RVs or travel trailers directly, trailers are classified as a temporary residences unless attached to the ground.
Does Chapel Hill, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Most likely, as they seem to follow Orange County’s guidelines, recreational vehicles must only be used for less than 180 days if on wheels and axles. However, this may differ if they meet the requirements for new construction. While nothing is spelled out clearly about mobile or manufactured homes, recreational vehicles must only be used for less than 180 days if on wheels and axles.
It’s best to visit the town of Chapel Hill’s website and contact them to find out if your tiny home is allowed.
Does Polk County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, RVs are permitted for residential use as long as they are stored on a property with an existing dwelling unit.
Does Watauga County, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes, in fact, both tiny homes and park models are classified as permanent residential structures. While no minimum square footage is outlined, they refer to the NC State code, meaning they likely follow their minimum square footage requirements. Contact their Planning and Inspections department to find out exactly what their minimum standards for a permanent residence are.
Does Wayne County, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes, so long as a home has a minimum of 150 square feet of habitable floor area for one occupant and an additional 100 square feet for the next three occupants and is affixed to a permanent foundation. Any recreational vehicle or mobile home used for travel or vacation is prohibited.
Does Goldsboro, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, Goldsboro adheres to the requirements laid out by Wayne County, where it resides.
Find Your Tiny Home Regulations in NC by City/Town
Apex | Apex Unified Development Ordinance |
Chapel Hill | Chapel Hill Code of Ordinances |
Goldsboro | Goldsboro Unified Development Ordinance |
Wilmington | Wilmington Code of Ordinances |
Does Apex, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes, manufactured and mobile homes are permitted for use as permanent residences if placed on a permanent foundation. Mobile homes must be at least 32×8’ or 256 square feet, while manufactured homes must be at least 320 square feet. Accessory dwelling units are permitted as long as they are no greater than 500 square feet or 25% of the total lot size, whichever is less.
Recreational vehicles are defined as being used only for temporary use, but whether they’re allowed for permanent use is unclear. It’s best to check with Apex’s planning department to determine if your tiny home is permitted.
What Counties in North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?

While not all counties allow park model tiny homes, North Carolina is a very friendly state for those interested in tiny living. Below is a list of counties that adhere to the state of North Carolina’s tiny home laws or permit a minimum square footage that would make a tiny home possible. Be sure to contact your local building or zoning department to find out exactly what they allow, as these regulations can vary between different cities and towns within the same county.
Alexander County | Alexander County Minimum Housing Codes |
Brunswick County | Brunswick County Tiny Home Regulations |
Buncombe County | Buncombe County Code of Ordinances |
Burke County | Burke County Tiny Home Regulations |
Chatham County | Chatham County Tiny Home Regulations |
Cleveland County | Cleveland County Tiny Home Regulations |
Cumberland County | Cumberland County Minimum Housing Ordinance |
Davidson County | Davidson County Zoning Ordinance Davidson County Mobile Home Park Rules |
Davie County | Davie County Zoning Ordinance |
Edgecombe County | Edgecombe County Ordinances |
Gaston County | Gaston County Unified Development Ordinance |
Gates County | Gates County Ordinances |
Granville County | Granville County Code of Ordinances |
Guilford County | Guilford County Zoning Ordinance NC State Memo on Tiny Homes |
Halifax County | Halifax County Zoning Ordinance NC State Building Code 1996 with 1999 Revisions |
Haywood County | Haywood County Building Regulations |
Iredell County | Iredell County Tiny Home Regulations |
Jackson County | Jackson County Tiny Home Regulations |
Lenoir County | Lenoir County Zoning Ordinance |
Mecklenburg County | Mecklenburg County Zoning Ordinance |
Montgomery County | Montgomery County Code of Ordinances |
Nash County | Nash County Tiny Home Regulations |
Onslow County | Onslow County Minimum Housing Standards |
Pitt County | Pitt County Zoning Ordinance |
Randolph County | Randolph County Unified Development Ordinance |
Rockingham County | Rockingham County Code of Ordinances |
Rowan County | Rowan County Zoning Ordinances |
Scotland County | Scotland County Zoning Ordinances |
Stokes County | Stokes County Planning and Inspections Department |
Surry County | Surry County Permit Office |
Union County | The Union County Building Code Enforcement Department Page |
Yadkin County | Yadkin County Tiny Home Requirements |
Does Alexander County, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes, they follow the NC state building codes, meaning a habitable room must contain at least 70 square feet per applicant. The home should be at least 150 square feet in total for one occupant and have an additional 100 square feet for each additional occupant. RVs and park models are not permitted unless they feature a dual registration sticker, approving them for use as a modular home.
Does Brunswick County, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes. Brunswick County complies with North Carolina state’s rules and regulations for tiny homes. This means that the minimum floor area of a habitable room must not be less than 70 feet. A habitable room is any space used for living, sleeping, eating, or cooking. All tiny homes must comply with local regulations as well.
For more in-depth information, go to the attached PDF in the chart above which covers required ceiling height, plumbing and accessories, and more.
Does Buncombe County, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes, Buncombe County follows the state’s minimum floor area and building standards that permit a tiny home. Unfortunately, all travel trailers, including park models, cannot be used as permanent residences, even on a permanent foundation. They can only be used as temporary single-family residences for 180 days.
Does Asheville, NC allow tiny homes?
Yes, Asheville follows the regulations set forth by Buncombe County. However, all travel trailers including park models are strictly prohibited.
Does Burke County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, so long as they comply with the NC state residential building code. This means that a tiny home is allowed if it has at least one room with 70 square feet of habitable space.
Does Chatham County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, they have adopted the NC state regulations regarding tiny homes.
Does Cleveland County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, they have adopted the NC state regulations regarding tiny homes.
Does Cumberland County, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes, they include mobile homes in their definition of a dwelling unit. The minimum floor space of a dwelling unit is 150 square feet. Additional habitable rooms must be at least 70 square feet, except for kitchens, which can be 50 square feet.
Does Fayetteville, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes, they require at least one principal room of 120 square feet and every structure must be placed on a permanent foundation. In addition, a kitchen and dining room combination space must be at least 80 square feet and bedrooms must be 50 square feet unless occupied by someone under the age of 12, in which it can be 35 square feet.
Does Davidson County, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes. However, the rules governing the type of home you can utilize are limited. Mobile homes, manufactured homes, and outbuildings are all classified as dwellings and can be used as single-family homes, depending on your area. However, park models are classified as a specific type of manufactured home that can only be used temporarily if your permanent home cannot be lived in due to a disaster.
Before embarking on your tiny home journey, it’s best to contact your local building or zoning department to learn more about the specifics of what’s permitted in your area.
Does Davie County, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes, most structures defer to the North Carolina State Building Code regulations, which require at least 70 square feet per habitable room. While specific guidelines regarding types of structures are unclear, the state building code is very friendly to tiny homes. It’s still best to check with their Planning and Development Services Department.
Does Edgecombe County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, they follow the NC state guidelines requiring a dwelling unit to be at least 150 square feet for one person and have an additional 70 square feet for each additional occupant. RVs and park models are not permitted unless they feature a dual registration sticker, marking them as accpetable under the NC state modular construction program.
Does Gaston County, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes. However, there a very specific regulations in place. A manufactured or mobile home can be a permanent dwelling so long as it is 320 square feet or larger. However, RVs, trailers, motor homes, etc. are only permitted for temporary use. If you want to know if your tiny home is allowed, check with your local building or zoning department.
Does Gastonia, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
The regulations surrounding homes in Gastonia are very specific. Mobile, manufactured, and modular homes aren’t considered dwellings unless they meet the NC state guidelines, which require them to be at least 70 square feet. In addition, RVs, motor homes, travel trailers, etc., are only permitted for temporary use.
Does Gates County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, most of their structures must follow the NC state building code, which requires a minimum of 70 square feet of habitable floor area. Since they don’t discuss their specific requirements outside of the NC state building code, it’s best to contact their Planning and Development Department to ensure your tiny home specifications meet their guidelines.
Does Granville County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, they follow the NC state residential building code, which requires at least one habitable room to be at least 70 square feet.
Does Guilford County, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes. However, not all styles of tiny homes are permitted. Any home on wheels is considered a recreational vehicle and should only be used temporarily. Otherwise, tiny homes are permitted so long as they follow the regulations set forth by the state of North Carolina including each habitable room having a minimum of 70 square feet.
Does Greensboro, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, they follow the North Carolina Uniform Residential Building code, meaning each room has at least 70 square feet of living space. However, whether RVs are permitted for permanent use is unclear, so it’s best to contact their planning department for more information.
Does High Point, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, in fact, they have specific guidelines regarding tiny homes. They can be no larger than 600 square feet, but they are permitted to be 400 square feet or less, the typical size of a tiny home. However, it appears RVs are not permitted for permanent use. Since this is unclear, it’s best to check with the City of High Point to determine if your park model tiny home is allowed.
Does Halifax County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, while they haven’t adopted the latest edition of the NC state building code, the 1996 version with the 1999 revisions requires at least one habitable room of 150 square feet. Any additional room must be at least 70 square feet, except a kitchen which can be less.
Does Haywood County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, they follow the NC State Building Code, which requires one habitable room with a floor area of at least 70 square feet.
Does Iredell County, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes. Iredell County follows the state of North Carolina’s policies regarding tiny homes. This means that tiny homes are permitted so long as they meet the minimum requirements such as having a minimum of 70 square feet per habitable room.
Does Jackson County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, they follow the NC state regulations regarding tiny homes, which require each room to have a minimum floor area of 70 square feet for one occupant.
Does Lenior County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, tiny homes are permitted if they follow the NC state building code requirements for a residential structure. This means that each habitable room must be at least 70 square feet.
Does Mecklenburg County, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes. Mecklenburg County also follows the regulations set forth by the state of North Carolina. This means recreational vehicles and mobile homes equipped for temporary vacation use are not permitted as permanent dwellings. However, mobile and manufactured homes can be used permanently if they meet the minimum requirements outlined.
For the regulations specific to your area in Mecklenburg County, be sure to check with your local building or zoning department.
Does Charlotte, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, so long as they meet the requirements of the state of North Carolina.
Does Montgomery County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, they permit trailers for permanent use, and the minimum floor area for one occupant must be at least 150 square feet, as outlined by the NC state building code.
Does Nash County, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes. Nash County also follows the NC state guidelines for tiny homes, so tiny homes are permitted as long as one room is 120 square feet, and any additional room is 70 square feet.
Does Onslow County, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes. It also follows NC state’s requirements. This means that an RV is not considered a permanent residence. However, any building, structure, manufactured, or mobile home needs at least one room that is 70 square feet, which means most tiny home sizes are permitted.
Does Pitt County, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes, so long as your tiny home complies with the North Carolina Residential Code. It may be constructed off-site and delivered as long as it has been inspected and certified under the North Carolina Modular Construction Program. However, if your tiny home is built on a trailer frame with axles and wheels, it will be classified as a recreational vehicle, which is not considered acceptable as a permanent residence.
Does Randolph County, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes, Randolph also follows the NC state guidelines, meaning that most tiny homes are acceptable.
Does Rockingham County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, they follow the NC state residential building code, which requires at least one habitable room to be at least 70 square feet.
Does Rowan County, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes. Like Orange County, manufactured and mobile homes can be utilized as long as they are at least 320 square feet and built on a permanent chassis, while RVs are not acceptable for use as permanent residences.
Does Scotland County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, tiny homes are defined as any single-family detached structure between 200 to 699 square feet. However, if the tiny home is on wheels, it’s not permitted for permanent use and is considered an RV.
Does Stokes County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, they follow the NC state building code.
Does Surry County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, they allow them as long as they comply with the NC State Regulations regarding tiny homes.
Does Union County, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes. The Union County Building Code Enforcement website refers those interested in learning about building codes to the NC state codes, meaning they follow state regulations regarding tiny homes.
Does Yadkin County, NC Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, they follow the NC State Building Code which requires their to be at least 70 square feet of floor area for each habitable room.
Cities/Towns That Allow Tiny Homes
Asheville | Asheville Tiny Home News |
Cary | Cary Building Codes |
Charlotte | Charlotte Zoning Ordinance |
Concord | Concord Tiny Home Regulations |
Fayetteville | Fayetteville Regulations |
Gastonia | Gastonia Unified Development Ordinance |
Greensboro | Greensboro Tiny Home Regulations |
High Point | High Point Tiny Home Regulations |
Holly Springs | Holly Springs Regulations |
Raleigh | Raleigh Tiny Home Regulations |
Rocky Mount | Rocky Mount Tiny Home Regulations |
Does Cary, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes, according to their building department’s website, they follow the North Carolina state building codes which allow tiny homes.
Does Concord, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes, they have adopted NC state’s guidelines regarding tiny homes.
Does Holly Springs, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes, mobile and manufactured homes are permitted as long as they are 320 square feet and on a permanent foundation. However, they are not allowed to be used as ADUs unless for temporary family care.
To determine if your tiny home meets Holly Spring’s building requirements, visit their development services website.
Does Raleigh, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes, and you can visit their website to apply for a permit for your tiny home!
Does Rocky Mount, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Yes, as long as they comply with the NC State Building Code and are certified under the NC Modular Construction Program standard for single-family homes.
What Counties in North Carolina Don’t Allow Tiny Homes?

Counties in NC that don’t allow tiny homes
Cabarrus County | Cabarrus County Development Ordinance |
Camden County | Camden County Unified Development Ordinance |
Catawba County | Catawba Zoning Ordinance |
Craven County | Craven County Code of Ordinances Craven County Planning and Inspections Department |
Currituck County | Currituck County Unified Development Ordinance |
Durham County | Durham County Unified Development Ordinance Durham County Small Houses |
Harnett County | Harnett County Unified Development Ordinance |
Hoke County | Hoke County Zoning Ordinance |
Northampton County | Northampton Zoning Ordinance |
Pasquotank County | Pasquotank County Zoning Ordinance |
Does Caburrus County, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
No, Caburrus County does not allow recreational vehicles, travel trailers, or motor homes to be used as permanent residences. They can be temporarily occupied for a maximum of 180 days. The regulations regarding minimum square footage are unclear as well, so it’s best to check with your local building department to determine exactly what’s permitted.
Does Camden County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
No, unfortunately, they require a minimum of 600 square feet of floor space for any residential dwelling, which is larger than most tiny homes.
Does Catawba County, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
No, at least not for any manufactured or mobile homes or recreational or motor vehicles. They are not included in the county’s definition of a detached dwelling unit. For the specifics of whether or not you can live in a tiny home in your area in Catawba County, it’s best to check with your local building or zoning department.
Does Currituck County, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
No, they have strict regulations against recreational vehicles for permanent use, including the prohibition on permanent hard wiring, plumbing, and mechanical connections. It is unclear what the minimum permitted square footage of a permanent dwelling is, so it’s best to contact your local government to find out what they allow.
Does Durham County, North Carolina allow tiny homes?
Not exactly. The rules surrounding tiny homes in North Carolina are pretty strict. A tiny home can be used as an accessory dwelling unit unless it’s a travel trailer or RV, in which case it’s prohibited. In addition, “small houses” are allowed, but the minimum square footage of these homes is not specified. The lot width of these properties must be at least 25 feet, so it should be able to fit on the lot while meeting the side and rear yard requirements.
It’s best to check with your local building or zoning department to determine if your tiny home’s specifications comply with their rules or regulations.
Does Harnett County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
No, unfortunately, they do not permit park model tiny homes to be used as permanent residences. As for any other type of tiny home, no minimum square footage is provided, so it’s best to get in contact with your local building or zoning department to find out what they allow.
Does Hoke County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
No, they do not permit RVs to be utilized as permanent residences. No minimum square footage is provided, so it’s up to your local building or zoning department whether or not they would allow another style of tiny home.
Does Northampton County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
No, unfortunately, they do not permit park model tiny homes to be used as permanent residences. For other types of tiny homes, it’s best to check with your local building department to see what their minimum allowed square footage is for a permanent residence.
Does Pasquotank County, North Carolina Allow Tiny Homes?
No, RVs are prohibited from being used for residential purposes. As for other tiny home models, contact your local building or zoning department to find out their minimum square footage requirements.
Counties With Unclear Park Model Tiny Homes Regulations in North Carolina

Some counties in North Carolina don’t make their regulations public or clearly define what’s permitted for use as a permanent residence and what the minimum square footage requirements are. In that case, it’s best to defer to your local government website to determine if your tiny home is permitted. Below are links to those websites to help you contact the right person.
Alleghany County | Alleghany County Property Rights Protection Ordinance Alleghany County Planning and Inspection Department |
Anson County | Anson County Zoning Ordinance Anson County Planning Department |
Ashe County | Ashe County Building Codes Ashe County Planning Department |
Avery County | Avery County Planning Department |
Beaufort County | Beaufort County Zoning Ordinance Beaufort County Planning Department |
Bertie County | Bertie County Departments |
Bladen County | Bladen County Zoning Ordinance Bladen County Planning Department |
Caldwell County | Caldwell County Zoning Ordinance Caldwell County Planning Department |
Carteret County | Carteret County Planning and Inspections Department |
Caswell County | Caswell County Planning Department |
Cherokee County | Franklin County Regulations Franklin County Planning and Inspections Department |
Chowan County | Chowan County Zoning Ordinance Chowan County Building Inspection and Planning Division |
Columbus County | Columbus County Planning Department |
Franklin County | Frankling County Regulations Franklin County Planning and Inspections Department |
Graham County | Graham County Building Inspections |
Greene County | Greene County Zoning Ordinance Greene County Planning and Zoning Department |
Hertford County | Hertford County Planning and Inspections Department |
Johnston County | Johnston County Planning Department |
Lincoln County | Lincoln County Unified Development Ordinance Lincoln County Planning and Inspections Department |
Macon County | Macon County Planning Department |
Madison County | Madison County Land Use Ordinance Madison County Planning and Zoning Department |
McDowell County | McDowell County Zoning Ordinance McDowell County Planning Department |
Mitchell County | Mitchell County Building Inspections |
Moore County | Moore County Unified Development Ordinance Moore County Planning and Inspections Department |
Pamlico County | Pamlico County Planning Department |
Pender County | Pender County Unified Development Ordinance Pender County Planning and Community Development Department |
Perquimans County | Perquimans County Ordinances Perquimans County Planning and Zoning Department |
Person County | Person County Ordinances Person County Planning and Zoning Department |
Richmond County | Richmond County Zoning Ordinance Richmond County Planning and Zoning Department |
Robeson County | Robeson County Zoning Ordinance Robeson County Community Development Department |
Rutherford County | Rutherford County Planning Department |
Sampson County | Sampson County Planning and Zoning Department |
Stanly County | Stanly County Zoning Ordinance Stanly County Planning & Zoning Department |
Swain County | Swain County Government |
Transylvania County | Transylvania County Planning and Community Development Department |
Tyrell County | Tyrell County Planning Board |
Vance County | Vance County Zoning Ordinance Vance County Planning & Development Department |
Warren County | Warren County Planning and Code Enforcement |
Washington County | Washington County Zoning Ordinance Washington County Planning & Inspections Office |
Wake County | Wake County Unified Development Ordinance |
Wilkes County | Wilkes County Zoning Ordinance Wiles County Planning Department |
Wilson County | Wilson County Unified Development Ordinance Wilson County Planning Division |
Yancey County | Yancey County Building Inspections Department |
Tiny Homes That Are Allowed In North Carolina

The A-Frame

The A-Frame Studio

The Aspen

The Cascade

The Luna

The Nook Family

The Nook Studio

The Pinecrest

The Rockwood

The Sonoma
Park Model Regulations in North Carolina

Can I live In a Park Model Home In NC?
Depending on where you live in North Carolina, you can live in a park model full-time. According to the North Carolina General Assembly, park models are classified as recreational vehicles and are built in compliance with ANSI A119.5 standards. North Carolina doesn’t permit these as permanent residences unless they also meet the requirements of the NC Modular Construction Program. There is still a lot to learn about park models, so it is up to townships and local governments to provide a solidified answer.
What are the rules for tiny homes in North Carolina?
The rules for tiny homes in North Carolina are outlined in this memo from the NC Department of Insurance. All habitable rooms in the home must have at least 70 square feet of floor area. In addition, ceiling heights must be a minimum of 7 feet and they must have all the necessary fixtures, plumbing, and facilities necessary for permanent living. Most importantly, they are only allowed if permitted by your local building official.
Do you need a permit for a tiny home in North Carolina?

Yes, you’ll likely need a permit to construct or place a tiny home in North Carolina. However, the specific type and requirements of the permit may vary between municipalities within NC. It’s best to check with your local zoning or building department to determine if you need a permit, how much it will cost, and where to get it.
Does North Carolina Have Tiny Home Communities?

Yes, there are a number of tiny home communities in North Carolina. From the shores of Lake Norman to the Great Smoky Mountains, there’s a range of sceneries those interested in the tiny home life can enjoy. Here are some of the highlights:
Acony Bell
Location: In between Asheville and Brevard, North Carolina
This tiny home community features two creeks and a few Appalachian mountains. Miles of hiking trails, community gardens, and fully stocked fire rings ensure fun for everyone.
Tiny Homes of Lake Norman
Location: Huntersville, North Carolina
Not sold on the tiny home life? Rent a tiny home along the shore of Lake Norman and enjoy some fun on the lake while getting a feel for the tiny home lifestyle.
Simple Life
Location: Flat Rock, North Carolina
This tiny home community has everything you need from a clubhouse, community pool, and fitness facility to walking trails and a dog park. Enjoy time with a community of tiny home lovers in a shared garden or beside a fire pit. There’s something for everyone here.
What is the Minimum Square Footage For a House in NC?
The state of North Carolina doesn’t outline a minimum total square footage for a home. However, each habitable room must have a minimum of 70 square feet of floor area. Many counties within North Carolina require a minimum square footage of 150.
How Much Does It Cost To Build a Tiny House in North Carolina?
It typically costs $30,000 to $60,000 to construct and own a tiny home, not including land or other fees. For more high-end park models, the cost is typically $90,000 to $100,000. For an exact breakdown of pricing, you can check out this article that offers a cost breakdown of one of our park models, or request a quote on your tiny home.
Where is the cheapest place to put a tiny home in North Carolina?
Typically, rural areas are more affordable places to put a tiny home. Counties such as Edgecombe, Halifax, and Burke are in rural areas and have regulations favorable for tiny homes. However, the cheapest place to put a home will depend on the cost of the land, availability of utilities, and zoning regulations and permit fees.
Can Park Model Tiny Homes Have Multiple Bedrooms and Bathrooms?
Yes! North Carolina requires a minimum of 70 square feet of floor area for each habitable room. While they all must fit within 400 square feet, this regulation leaves ample room for multiple bedrooms and bathrooms. Check out our Cascade, Pinecrest, Aspen, and Nook Family Park Models which all feature 2 or more bedrooms.
What features are included in A Park Model Home From Zook Cabins?
There are countless features included with our park model homes! Not only do we offer a range of cabin styles, from a more modern look to a classic log cabin style, but we also have different square footage and number of rooms available. In addition, all our park model tiny homes come equipped with essential furnishings such as lighting, appliances, shelving, and more!
How small does a house have to be to be considered a tiny home?
While there is technically no minimum, most tiny homes are no larger than 500 square feet, with most ranging in size from 120 to 400 square feet. The state of North Carolina requires that each habitable room has a minimum of 70 square feet of floor space so it is a very friendly space for tiny homeowners.
Are Park Model Tiny Homes A Good Investment?
Yes! It’s an easy choice as it’s relatively low cost and offers a high return on your investment. Many of our clients have utilized their park model as a short term rental property and seen success. Check out our pro forma or see how 11 park models were converted into a successful RV park.
What do other states have to say about tiny living?
Every state is a little different in how the regulate tiny homes. To help you figure out where you could do tiny living the best Zook Cabins has created a guide to the continental US. Take a look at the state you want to go to and