Tiny Home Regulations in California: The Complete Guide

Tiny homes have become a popular option for those looking to become first-time homeowners or those hoping to live more minimalistically. If you’re interested in tiny living, you may have many questions about it. What is a tiny home? Is that the same thing as a park model? What are the tiny home regulations in California? To help you start your tiny home journey, we’ve compiled an answer to all these questions and more, including a comprehensive list of whether tiny homes are allowed in your county in California.
The state of California has implemented the 2022 California Building Code, which many areas across the state follow. This code states that the home must have a minimum ceiling height of 7 feet and 6 inches, one room of at least 120 square feet of floor space, and a net floor area of no less than 70 square feet for all other habitable rooms.
However, whether or not tiny homes or park model homes are allowed depends upon your local government’s rules and regulations. It’s always best practice to visit their website, read their regulations, or contact your officials to find out if the tiny home you’re interested in is permitted in your county, city, or town, especially if your area has unclear guidelines.
Are Park Models The Same Thing As Tiny Homes?

Yes. Park models are considered tiny homes and, more specifically a THOW. Since these structures are on wheels, they ,ay not be considered a permanent dwelling. Generally speaking, California is a very friendly state to tiny homes of all kinds. In many places, park model tiny homes are allowed as ADUs. With these rules in place, it’s easy to see why California is among the Top 7 ADU-friendly states. Something to keep in mind with the park model tiny homes that we build at Zook Cabins, is they are build to RVIA standards however, another popular designatino for these structures is NOAH. To learn more about the differences betweenthe two certifications, check out our RVIA vs NOAH Tiny Home blog.
Ready to see what your localit allows? Keep reading!
What Counties in California Allow Tiny Houses?

Nearly all the counties in California allow tiny homes in some shape or form. While some areas have stricter regulations and others prohibit park models, other types of tiny homes are allowed, and it is mainly possible to have a tiny home in California. While many areas have favorable legislation, contacting your building, planning, community development, or other governing body is always best practice to find out what they allow.
Alameda County | Alameda County Code of Ordinances Alameda County Government Website |
Alpine County | Alpine County Planning Department Alpine County Tiny Home Requirements |
Calaveras County | Calaveras County Planning Department Calaveras County Building Department |
Colusa County | Colusa County Community Development Department Colusa County Zoning Code |
Contra Costa County | Contra Costa County Building Regulations Contra Costa County Code Enforcement |
Del Norte County | Del Norte County Planning Department Del Norte County FAQs About ADUs Del Norte County Codes |
El Dorado County | El Dorado County Planning and Building Departments El Dorado County Uniform Building Code |
Fresno County | Fresno County Tiny Home Info Bulletin Fresno County Building Safety Fresno County Building and Safety FAQs |
Humboldt County | Humboldt County Tiny House Fact Sheet 2020 Humboldt County Planning and Building Department Humboldt County Code |
Imperial County | Imperial County Building Division Imperial County Ordinance Title 9 Div 10 Regarding Tiny Homes |
Inyo County | Inyo County Zone Text Amendment No. 2022 Inyo County Building & Safety Department |
Kern County | Kern County Code of Ordinances Kern County Public Works Department Code Compliance |
Kings County | Kings County Building Ordinance Kings County Community Development Agency |
Lake County | Lake County Community Development Department Lake County Code Of Ordinances |
Lassen County | Lassen County Planning & Building Services Lassen County 2022 Building Codes & Design Criteria |
Los Angeles County | Los Angeles County Moveable Tiny House Los Angeles County Code Of Ordinance |
Madera County | Madera County Building Division Madera County Municipal Code |
Marin County | Marin County Building Code |
Mariposa County | Mariposa County Planning Department Mariposa County Building Department Mariposa County Code |
Mendocino County | Mendocino County Planning & Building Services Mendocino County Code of Ordinances |
Merced County | Merced County Planning Department Merced County Code of Ordinances |
Modoc County | Modoc County Building Department Modoc County Planning Department Modoc County Building Regulations |
Mono County | Mono County Building Regulations |
Napa County | Napa County Planning, Building, & Environmental Services Napa County Building Code |
Nevada County | Nevada County Planning Department Nevada County Code of Ordinances |
Orange County | Orange County Development Services Orange County Building Regulations |
Placer County | Placer County Tiny Homes Placer County Community Development |
Plumas County | Plumas County Tiny Home Information Guide Plumas County Building Department Plumas County Planning Department |
Riverside County | Riverside County Building & Safety Department Riverside County Building Regulations |
Sacramento County | Sacramento County Building & Development Standards Sacramento County Planning & Environmental Review Department Sacramento County Building Codes |
San Benito County | San Benito County Government San Benito County Code Of Ordinances San Benito County Tiny Homes |
San Bernardino County | San Bernadino County Land Use Services San Bernadino County Minimum Residential Construction Standards |
San Diego County | San Diego Movable Tiny House San Diego Planning & Development Services San Diego County Building Code |
County of San Francisco | San Francisco Building Department San Francisco Planning Department San Francisco Building Codes |
San Joaquin County | San Joaquin Community Development San Joaquin Building Regulations |
San Luis Obispo County | San Luis Obispo County Movable Tiny Houses San Luis Obispo Planning & Building Department San Luis Obispo County Building Regulations |
Santa Barbara County | Santa Barbara County Planning & Development Department Santa Barbara County Building Regulations |
Santa Clara County | Santa Clara County Planning & Development Department Santa Clara County Code of Ordinances Santa Clara County ADU Ordinance |
Santa Cruz County | Santa Cruz County Tiny Homes on Wheels Santa Cruz County THOW Permit Santa Cruz County Planning Department |
Shasta County | Shasta County Tiny House Info Shasta County Building Division Shasta County Building Regulations |
Sierra County | Sierra County Planning Department Sierra County Building Division Sierra County Building Code |
Siskiyou County | Siskiyou County Planning Department Siskiyou County Building Department Siskiyou County Building Regulations |
Solano County | Solano County Building & Safety Services Solano County Building Standards & Codes |
Sonoma County | Sonoma County Tiny Houses Sonoma County Building Division Sonoma County Building Regulations |
Stanislaus County | Stanislaus County Planning & Community Development Department Stanislaus County Building Code |
Sutter County | Sutter County Planning & Zoning Department Sutter County Building Code |
Tehama County | Tehama County Building & Safety Department Tehama County Building Codes |
Trinity County | Trinity County Building Division Trinity County Building Code |
Tulare County | Tulare County Building Department Tulare County Building Regulations |
Tuolumne County | Tuolumne County Building Division |
Ventura County | Ventura County Government Website Ventura County Building Regulations |
Yolo County | Yolo County Building Services Yolo County Building Regulations |
Yuba County | Yuba County Building Department Yuba County Building Standards Construction Code |
Does Alameda County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, they have favorable legislation regarding tiny homes. They allow tiny homes so long as they are no more than 400 square feet in floor area, excluding lofts. A planning director sets the minimum floor area on a case-by-case basis, so it is unclear what the minimum size would be. As for whether they allow park-model tiny homes, there are no clear guidelines in place regarding them, so it’s best to contact your local government to find out if they allow it.
Does Oakland, California Allow Tiny Homes?
Oakland allows both tiny homes and tiny homes on wheels! Meaning that tiny houses and park model tiny homes are both permitted. Apply for a permit to get approval on your tiny home.
Does Alpine County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
They are allowed so long as they meet the requirements set forth by the California state building codes. This means your tiny home must have a minimum ceiling height of 7 feet and 6 inches, one room of at least 120 square feet of floor space, and a net floor area of no less than 70 square feet for all other habitable rooms. As for park model tiny homes, these are only permitted for permanent residence in designated mobile homes or special occupancy parks.
Does Calaveras County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
They may allow tiny homes. Calaveras County defers to the 2022 California Building Code, which permits tiny homes so long as they have a minimum ceiling height of 7 feet and 6 inches, one room of at least 120 square feet of floor space, and a net floor area of no less than 70 square feet for all other habitable rooms. However, whether or not they specifically allow park model tiny homes is unclear, so it is best to check with their building or planning department.
Does Colusa County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Your tiny home is permitted in Colusa County so long as it adheres to the 2022 California Building Code, which states that it must have a minimum ceiling height of 7 feet and 6 inches as well as a minimum floor area of 120 square feet and an additional 70 square feet of floor space for every additional room.
Park model tiny homes are also permitted in a mobile home or special occupancy park. They are also permitted as accessory dwelling units (ADUs) so long as all utilities are connected to county-approved systems under a county-issued permit, the wheels and tongue are removed, and it is placed on the foundation approved in the issued permit, the exterior resembles a home and not an RV, and there is skirting around the bottom that matches the exterior.
Does Del Norte County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Absolutely! So long as your tiny home abides by the 2022 California Building Code, you are more than welcome to have one. This means that your home must have a minimum ceiling height of 7 feet and 6 inches, one room of at least 120 square feet of floor space, and a net floor area of no less than 70 square feet for all other habitable rooms. Regarding park model tiny homes, these are only permitted if placed on a permanent foundation and connected to utilities.
Does El Dorado County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yep! While they have adopted the 2010 California Building Code, the minimum requirements for a permanent dwelling in this edition of the code also state that there must be a minimum ceiling height of 7 feet, a minimum floor area of one room that’s at least 120 square feet, and an additional 70 square feet for any other rooms. As for park model tiny homes, the exact regulations are unclear, so please consult your local officials to find out if they are permitted.
Does Fresno County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, they have specific guidelines outlining the rules for tiny homes. In their tiny home bulletin, they state that tiny homes are permitted so long as they have a minimum of 100 square feet, they meet the ANSI 119.2 or 119.5 requirements, needs to be towed, and can not move on their own power, is a detached unit that allows for cooking, sleeping, and other normal daily routines, and is designed to look like a conventional building structure. With this definition, Fresno County is also very friendly to park model tiny homes. Please refer to this tiny homes handout for other requirements for your tiny home in Fresno County, California.
Does the City of Fresno, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Of course! Like the county they reside in, they follow the guidelines outlined on this tiny homes handout.
Does Humboldt County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Humboldt County is yet another area in California that allows tiny homes. They even allow park-model tiny homes (moveable tiny houses) to be permanent tiny homes as long as they are in the inland areas of the county and are being used as ADUs. They are also permitted as permanent residences in manufactured homes or special occupancy parks such as a tiny home villages. Moveable tiny homes must comply with ANSI 119.5 requirements.
Does Imperial County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Not only do they allow tiny homes, but park model tiny homes as well! According to Title 9 Division 10, Building & Grading Regulations, of their code, tiny homes are permitted if they meet the building requirements outlined in the 2019 California Building Code. In addition, the specific types of tiny homes include recreational vehicles, manufactured homes (park models), modular dwellings, and site-built dwellings.
Does Inyo County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! Tiny homes are included in their definition of a dwelling unit so long as they comply with the California Building Code.
Does Kern County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yep! Once again, the county of Kern has adopted the 2022 California Building Code, which permits tiny homes so long as they have a minimum ceiling height of 7 feet, one room with a floor area of at least 120 square feet, and each additional room has at least 70 square feet. Kern County only allows park model tiny homes in designated RV parks or special occupancy parks.
Does Bakersfield, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, Bakersfield adheres to the same building codes and requirements for tiny homes as the county it resides in.
Does Kings County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Unsurprisingly, Yes, Kings County is yet another area that has adopted the California Building Code, which allows tiny homes to be built as long as they meet the minimum building standards mentioned previously.
Does Lake County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Lake County is another place that allows tiny homes to be built per the 2022 California Building Code. As for park model tiny homes, it is unclear if they are permitted as permanent residences. It’s always best to check with your local government to determine if your plans for your tiny home are permitted.
Does Lassen County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Lassen County is another one on this list employing the 2022 California Building Code, which permits tiny homes so long as they follow these requirements: minimum ceiling height of 7 feet, minimum floor area of 120 square feet for one room, and 70 square feet per each additional room. As for their park model regulations, we recommend contacting their planning department to see what is allowed.
Does Los Angeles County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Los Angeles allows both tiny homes and movable tiny homes (park models)! They have implemented the 2022 California Building Code, which allows homes to be a minimum of 120 square feet for one room and 70 square feet for each additional room. In addition, their regulations regarding tiny homes permit movable tiny homes as permanent ADUs. For park model tiny homes, they must be licensed and registered with the California Department of Motor Vehicles, meet the ANSI 119.5 requirements, cannot move under their own power, is no larger than allowed by California State Law for movement on public highways, and is no smaller than 150 square feet and no larger than 430 square feet.
Does Long Beach, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Long Beach also follows the 2022 California Building Code which would allow for tiny homes. However, the city’s position on movable tiny homes is unclear, so it’s best to consult with their building & safety bureau to see what they allow.
Does Los Angeles, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
It is likely that they follow the regulations set forth by Los Angeles County, which permits both tiny homes and movable tiny homes. However, consult with your local officials to determine exactly what is allowed.
Does Madera County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Madera County follows the 2022 California Building Code, which has favorable legislation for those interested in tiny living. This includes allowing a home with a minimum ceiling height of 7 feet, one room of at least 120 square feet, and each additional room only needs to be 70 square feet. It is unclear what their stance is on park model tiny homes.
Does Marin County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yep! They have adopted the 2022 California Building Code, which includes favorable legislation for tiny homeowners, as referenced at the beginning of this article. It is unclear whether they permit park model tiny homes as well.
Does Mariposa County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Mariposa County allows tiny homes that follow the 2022 California Building Code standards mentioned earlier. Park model tiny homes are only permitted for permanent use if a permit has been obtained from the building department in conjunction with a single-family dwelling permit.
Does Mendocino County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! Mendocino is yet another county in California that has adopted the 2022 California Building Code. Therefore, in Mendocino County, tiny homes are allowed so long as they have a ceiling height of 7 feet, a minimum floor area of 120 square feet for one room, and an additional 70 square feet for any other rooms. As for park model tiny homes, they likely follow California’s rules regarding them as well. However, checking with your local building department before moving forward with your tiny home plans is best.
Does Merced County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Merced County also follows the 2022 California Building Code, which means that they allow tiny homes. Park model tiny homes do not appear to be permitted for permanent residence, likely unless they are in RV or special occupancy parks. Please consult with your local officials to see what they allow regarding park model tiny homes.
Does Modoc County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Modoc County allows tiny homes as long as they comply with the 2019 California Building Code. This permits tiny homes with one room that is at least 220 square feet, while each additional room must be at least 100 square feet. Park model tiny homes may be permitted, but it is unclear. Please contact your local building department to find out what they allow.
Does Mono County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! Mono County, like all the aforementioned counties, has adopted the 2022 California Building Code, which has favorable regulations for those interested in tiny homes, including one room that only needs a minimum of 120 square feet and only requires each additional room to have 70 square feet of floor area. The county’s stance on park model tiny homes is unclear. Please consult your local officials to determine if your tiny home is permitted.
Does Napa County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, they most likely allow tiny homes. The county of Napa also adheres to the 2022 California Building Code, which, as we’ve mentioned, has favorable minimum requirements for permanent residences. Additionally, it seems that they classify recreational vehicles as mobile homes, which means that you could reside in your park model tiny home full time so long as it is in a designated park.
Does Nevada County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Not only do they allow tiny homes, but they are also introducing legislation that would treat tiny homes on wheels (park model tiny homes) as permanent dwelling units. The Nevada County Planning Department will discuss this this month, so stay tuned for updates!
Does Orange County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Orange County follows the 2022 California Building Code, which allows tiny homes so long as they adhere to the following minimum requirements: a ceiling height of 7 feet 6 inches, one habitable room of at least 120 square feet, and each additional room must have at least 70 square feet of floor area.
Does Anaheim, California Allow Tiny Homes?
Anaheim also allows tiny homes so long as they comply with teh 2022 California Residential Building Code.
Does Placer County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yep! They allow both tiny homes and park model tiny homes. Read their page on their rules for tiny homes.
Does Plumas County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Plumas County allows tiny homes. However, they do not allow tiny homes on wheels to be used as permanent residences, meaning you could not live in a park model tiny home full-time in Plumas County.
Does Riverside County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, Riverside County allows tiny homes as they follow the 2022 California Building Code, including Appendix AQ regarding tiny homes.
Does Sacramento County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Sacramento County only allows tiny homes that adhere to the 2022 California Building Code. If your tiny home is on wheels (park model tiny home), you must place it on a permanent foundation and ensure it meets the standards outlined in their building code.
Does the City of Sacramento, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
The city of Sacramento follows the 2022 California Building Code, so yes it allows tiny homes and park model tiny homes so long as they are on a permanent foundation or in a designated park.
Does San Benito County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! They have specific legislation outlining the requirements for tiny homes, including park model tiny homes. Tiny homes in San Benito County must be at least 150 square feet and no larger than 400 square feet. If it is on wheels, it can be no larger than 14 feet when being towed. Once placed on land, skirting is required to hide the wheels and axles from view. Acceptable skirting options include solid wood, metal, or a concrete apron. Additionally, park model tiny homes must comply with ANSI 119.5 standards.
Does San Bernadino County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
They do allow tiny homes. However, it must comply with the 2022 California Building Code standards. Any tiny homes on wheels will not be permitted as permanent residences, meaning park model tiny homes are not allowed.
Does San Diego County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yep! They follow the 2022 California Building Code, which includes favorable legislation for those interested in tiny living. San Diego City has also outlined rules regarding using movable tiny homes (park model tiny homes) as permanent residences. While it appears the county would allow tiny homes of all types, it’s still best to check with your local building or planning department.
Does the City of San Diego, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yep! Check out their movable tiny homes guide to find out exactly what they allow!
Does San Francisco County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
San Franciso County allows tiny homes, so long as they comply with the standards set forth by the 2022 California Building Code. This also means they probably follow California’s guidelines stating that park model tiny homes are only permitted for permanent residence in designated areas. Please consult with their building or planning department to determine if your plans for your tiny home are permitted in San Francisco.
Does the City of San Francisco, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yep! They follow exactly the regulations that the county of San Francisco follows.
Does San Joaquin County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! San Joaquin County has also adopted the 2022 California Building Code, following its guidelines for tiny homes. If you plan to have a park model tiny home, that is allowed too, but it must be located in a designated park.
Does San Luis Obispo County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
San Luis Obispo County is yet another county in California that has adopted the 2022 California Building Code that allows tiny homes. Park model tiny homes are also allowed, but only if they are on a permanent foundation or reside in a designated RV or special occupancy park.
Does Santa Barbara County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
They, too, allow homes per the 2022 California Building Code. Park model tiny homes are also allowed on a permanent foundation or in a designated mobile home, RV, or special occupancy park.
Does Santa Clara County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Santa Clara County allows tiny homes and park model tiny homes as ADUs. Tiny homes must comply with the 2022 California Building Code standards, including a ceiling height of at least 7 feet 6 inches, one room that is at least a minimum of 120 square feet, and 70 square feet for any additional room. Park model tiny homes are only permitted as ADUs and must comply with ANSI 119.5 standards.
Does San Jose, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yep! They adhere to Santa Clara County’s rules, allowing tiny homes and park model tiny homes as ADUs.
Does Santa Cruz County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Santa Cruz County allows tiny homes and tiny homes on wheels (THOW). Visit their page on Tiny Homes on Wheels to learn more about their requirements for park model tiny homes.
Does Shasta County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, however, they have stricter guidelines regarding tiny homes. First, park model tiny homes are only permitted for human habitation if they reside within an RV park or campground. Second, tiny homes must follow the California Residential. Shasta County follows the 2019 edition, stating that your tiny home’s smallest size can be 400 square feet to comply with the rules outlined in that code. This includes having one habitable room that is no less than 220 square feet; each additional room must have at least 100 square feet.
Does Sierra County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Sierra County follows the 2022 California Building Code, and its regulations allow for tiny homes. However, they only allow RVs, travel trailers, and mobile homes to be used as temporary dwellings.
Does Siskiyou County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, so long as they comply with the 2022 California Building Code standards. Siskiyou County’s stance on park model tiny homes is unclear, so contact their building or planning department to see what they allow.
Does Solano County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yep, so long as they follow the 2022 California Building Code rules. As for park model tiny homes, we recommend consulting with their Building & Safety Division to determine what they allow.
Does Sonoma County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Sonoma County only allows tiny homes as temporary dwelling units. However, tiny homes are permitted in cottage housing developments so long as they are placed on foundations.
Does Stanislaus County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Stanislaus County also adheres to the 2022 California State Building Code, so as long as your tiny home complies with those standards, it’s likely that it is allowed.
Does Sutter County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Sutter County does allow tiny homes. They are allowed so long as they comply with the California State Building Code. This means that the tiny home must have a ceiling height of 7 feet and 6 inches or higher, at least one room must be 120 square feet, and every additional room must be at least 70 square feet. Park model tiny homes are only permitted in an established RV park operating with a permit from the state of California.
Does Tehama County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yep! They fully follow the regulations set forth by the 2022 California Building code in Appendix AQ, which allows tiny homes so long as they have a ceiling height of 7 feet and 6 inches or higher, at least one room must be 120 square feet, and every additional room must be at least 70 square feet. Park model tiny homes are only permitted in designated parks.
Does Trinity County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes! Trinity County has also adopted the 2022 California Building Code just like so many other counties in California. As long as your tiny home complies with these regulations, it is allowed in Trinity County.
Does Tulare County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Tulare County allows tiny homes, so long as they follow the standards addressed in Appendix AQ of the 2022 California Residential Building Code.
Does Tuolumne County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Tuolumne County has adopted the 2022 California Building Code, which means that they allow tiny homes so long as they have a ceiling height of 7 feet and 6 inches or higher, at least one room must be 120 square feet, and every additional room must be at least 70 square feet.
Does Ventura County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Tiny homes are only allowed in Ventura County if they follow the 2022 California Building Code which states that they must have a ceiling height of 7 feet and 6 inches or higher, at least one room must be 120 square feet, and every additional room must be at least 70 square feet. As for park model tiny homes, they are currently not permitted for full-time occupancy.
Does Yolo County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yolo County adheres to the 2019 California Building Code, which allows tiny homes so long as they have one habitable room that is no less than 220 square feet; each additional room must have at least 100 square feet. Whether park model tiny homes is unclear, so please consult with their building department to determine what they allow.
Does Yuba County, California, Allow Tiny Homes?
Yes, so long as the tiny home complies with the 2019 California Building Code which requires them to have one room of 220 square feet and an each additional room to be at least 100 square feet. However, they do not permit recreational vehicles, travel trailers, or any other type of park model tiny home to be used as permanent places of residence.
Find Your Tiny Home Regulations in California by City/Town

Anaheim | Anaheim Planning & Building Department Anaheim Buildings & Housing Code |
Bakersfield | Bakersfield Building Division |
Fresno | Fresno Tiny Homes |
Long Beach | Long Beach Building & Safety Bureau Long Beach Building Code |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles Government Website |
Sacramento | Sacramento Building Division Contacts Sacramento Building Codes |
Oakland | Oakland New Policies Expand Housing Options Oakland Apply For Vehicular Residential Facilities Oakland Planning & Building Department |
San Deigo | San Diego Moveable Tiny Homes |
San Francisco | San Francisco Building Department San Francisco Planning Department San Francisco Building Codes |
San Jose | San Jose Planning, Building, & Code Enforcement Office San Jose Adopted Building Codes San Jose Accessory Dwelling Units |
Counties With Unclear Park Model Tiny Homes Regulations in California
Amador County | Amador County Building Department Amador County Planning Department |
Butte County | Butte County Public Works Butte County Temporary Dwelling Unit |
Glenn County | Glenn County Unified Development Code Glenn County Planning Department |
Monterey County | Monterey Code Of Ordinances |
San Mateo County | San Mateo County Planning & Building Department |
Tiny Homes That Are Allowed in California

The A-Frame

The A-Frame ADU

The A-Frame Studio

The Aspen

The Cascade

The Luna

The Luna ADU

The Nook Family

The Nook Studio

The Pinecrest
Park Model Regulations in California

Can I Live in a Park Model Home in California?
Yes! In many areas of California, you can live in a park model full-time. As noted earlier, the exact rules for living in a park model full-time from area to area. Some places will not allow you to utilize a park model as a permanent residence at all. Others will permit you to live in it if it is on a permanent foundation or resides in a designated RV or special occupancy park. Additionally, some areas allow tiny homes on wheels as accessory dwelling units (ADUs).
Most areas in California that allow park model tiny homes as permanent residences require that they comply with ANSI 119.5 standards. If you’re searching for a park model tiny home that complies with these standards and the requirements for how your tiny home on wheels looks, check out our park models!
What Are the Rules For Tiny Homes in California?
The rules for tiny homes in California are outlined in the 2022 California Residential Building Code, specifically in Appendix AQ. The code states that the home must have a minimum ceiling height of 7 feet and 6 inches, one room of at least 120 square feet of floor space, and a net floor area of no less than 70 square feet for all other habitable rooms. However, the exact rules for floor area, type of tiny home, and more will vary between localities in California.
Do You Need A Permit For A Tiny Home in California?

Yes, many areas within California require you to obtain a permit for a tiny home or park model tiny home. If your area allows tiny homes as ADUs, you must obtain a special use permit. It’s always best practice to get in contact with your local building or planning department to determine if you need a permit for your tiny home.
Are There Tiny Home Communities in California?

Since California is very friendly to those interested in tiny living, many notable tiny home communities exist throughout the state. Let’s look at some of the best ones for tiny homeowners:
Delta Bay
Location: 922 W Brannan Island Rd, Isleton, CA 95641
Located between San Francisco and Sacramento, this is perfect for those in the area who are interested in tiny living but need to meet the requirement of residing within a designated area. This tiny home community features amenities such as a boat launch ramp and storage, a community garden, a dog park, a fitness center, free Wi-Fi, full hookups, laundry facilities, an outdoor pool, and more.
Tiny House Block
Location: 9849 Sunrise Hwy, Mt Laguna, CA 91948
This community has free Wi-Fi, free parking, an outdoor fire pit, a picnic area, nearby hiking trails, gorgeous mountain views, and more, making tiny living easier.
Paradise Tiny Home Community
Location: 17989 Corkill Road Desert Hot Springs, CA 92241
Experience tiny living in the beautiful Coachella Valley area. This community features many excellent amenities, including a clubhouse, workout room, pool area, outdoor fire pits, and more!
There are many more tiny home communities within California, but these are some of the ones that have websites and feature notable amenities.

How Much Does It Cost To Build A Tiny House in California?
Building and owning a tiny home generally ranges between $30,000 and $60,000, excluding the cost of land and additional expenses. Prices usually fall between $90,000 and $100,000 for more luxurious park models. For detailed pricing information, look at this article that provides a complete cost breakdown for one of our park models, or contact us for a personalized quote on your tiny home project.
How Small Does a House Have to Be to Be Considered a Tiny Home?
A tiny home can usually be any size you like so long as it doesn’t exceed 500 square feet. However, California requires every permanent residence to have at least one room that is 120 square feet, and every additional room must be at least 70 square feet so it can be no smaller.
Is There A Minimum Size My Tiny Home Must Be In California?
Your tiny home typically must adhere to the 2022 California Building Code, which requires a home to have at least one room that is 120 square feet, and then each additional room must have at least 70 square feet. With that requirement, your home probably can not be any smaller than 120 square feet.
Where is the Cheapest Place to Put a Tiny House in California?
The cheapest place to put a tiny home in California would be in rural areas or inland cities such as San Bernardino County, Kern County, or Fresno. Fresno is the ideal location because they are friendly to tiny homes and park model tiny homes. Additionally, tiny home communities like the ones outlined earlier can cut back on the costs associated with purchasing land to place your tiny home on. All in all, the most affordable location to place a tiny home in California will largely depend on the cost of the land, availability of utilities, and the zoning regulations and permit fees in that area.
Can Park Model Tiny Homes Have Multiple Bedrooms and Bathrooms?

Of course! California stipulates that you must have one room of at least 120 square feet, and each additional room must have at least 70 square feet. This allows for multiple rooms within a tiny home of 400 square feet. If you’re looking for a park model tiny home with multiple rooms, our Cascade, Pinecrest, Aspen, and Nook Family Park Models all feature 2 or more bedrooms.
What Features Are Included In A Park Model Home From Zook Cabins?

We offer a range of features for our park model tiny homes so that you can find the one that best fits your needs and local regulations. Our park models come in various styles, from more modern looks to the classic log cabin style, so you can find one that easily blends into your area and meets local requirements to look like a conventional home. Additionally, they come with a range of rooms and total square footage. These park model tiny homes also feature all the essential furnishings, such as lighting, appliances, shelving, and more!
Are Park Model Tiny Homes A Good Investment?
Absolutely! This option is wise because it’s affordable and delivers a strong return on investment. Many of our clients have turned their park models into profitable short-term rentals with excellent results. You can review our pro forma or learn how 11 park models were transformed into a thriving RV park for more insights.
What Do Other States Have To Say About Park Models?
Every state allows tiny homes in some capacity, but it is also slightly different in every state. Take a look at the table below to see how each state regulates their park model tiny homes.