Seasonal Care Tips for Your Park Model Home
Park Model Homes are no small investment and should be treated as such. We pride ourselves in our reputation of premium quality and luxury style Park Models. However, it takes proper maintenance on the part of the client to keep their Park Model in good condition over the year. As seasons change, it is important to prepare your Park Model to weather the changes without damage.
General Routine Checks
- Keep Clean: While this is perhaps the most obvious, it may be underrated. Regularly clean your Park Model home. Try to keep it free of anything that would attract pests. It is always shocking how quickly and invasively mice, ants, roaches, etc. find optimal food and housing resources. Careful storage and consistent cleanliness can keep pest temptations to a minimum.
- Check for Rodents and Pests: If rodents or pests of some kind do find their way into your home, it is important to catch it at an early stage. Large mice nests can be difficult to completely eradicate, and dead mice can be nearly impossible to find. Check specifically for termite infestation. Spraying termites and insects can be a wonderful way to keep them to a minimum inside and outside the home.
- Air/Moisture Control: During summer and spring use, monitor the moisture levels in the home and keep air circulating to guard against mold problems. Standing, moist air cultivates a prime environment for mold. The humidity should be kept to approximately 31-55%. One of the most common damages we see due to lack of care is mold buildup from humidity levels being too high.
- Check for Leaks: If not caught in its early stages, a leak can do irreparable damage. Look for signs of discoloration, warping, and moisture on the interior. Don’t overlook small signs of moisture penetration. Visible signs of leaks usually signify a bigger hidden problem that will grow in scale and seriousness.
Check Windows, Doors, and Joints
With the changing temperatures, it can be easy for windows and doors to start to leak or become drafty. Check that they remain tight. It is important that the interior of a Park Model is a controlled environment. One of the common signs of lack of proper care is cracks and joints beginning to form from too high humidity or improper leveling.

Check Foundation and Supports
As a Park Model sits, it may begin to sink, especially if your site foundation was not prepared correctly or was installed recently. If the Park Model is not level, it could eventually cause damage to framing and even plumbing by putting undue stress on these components. If you have leveled your Park Model with blocks or beams, make sure that they remain in solid, secure condition. Replace if there is any doubt that it is not load-bearing.
Maintain Landscaping
Especially if you are using your Park Model as a rental, keep the landscaping looking nice. Not only does this elevate the experience of your home, but it can also be less inviting to rodents and pests intruding into your environment. Get creative with your exterior! Add flowerbeds, a deck, skirting, outdoor furniture, a campfire area, etc.

Inspect the Exterior
This should be done every so often to make sure that the walls and siding are tight and undamaged. Small cracks or holes could quickly grow into large problems with expensive solutions, allowing water and pest damage to permeate the home. If you have a log or wood-sided Park Model you will want to seal the wood and reseal when necessary. We also highly recommend to keep a close eye out for algae and other dirt on the outside to prevent erosion.
Maintain the Roof
Every so often check that the roof is in good condition and not allowing water to seep into the interior or framing. This could result in serious structural damage.

Inspect Plumbing
Periodic overviews of the plumbing system will help prevent leaks before they occur. Check faucets, water lines, joints, water heaters, and areas surrounding water-using appliances. Leaking can quickly cause unrepairable damage to hard-to-reach places, resulting in expensive repairs.
Prepping for Winter
Here is a quick checklist to go through as you are prepping your Park Model to weather the winter months. We have also compiled a much more detailed description and list of the winterization process, tips, and tools, but below is a brief summary.
Winterize the pipes
- Drain the water
- Leave faucets open
- Turn off the water valves
- Turn on furnace
- Maintain 50 Degrees inside the home
- Apply heating tap to pipes
- Use foam insulation if needed

Winterize the doors and windows
- Add winter-rated windows and doors
- Close/lock all windows
- Wrap windows with plastic
- Use caulking cord to cover any cracks on doors or windows
Winterize the exterior
- Cut down overhanging branches
- Check Park Model roof
- Store Patio furniture in a safe place
- Clean out gutters
- Add skirting
Close entryways for rodents
- Remove all food
- Clean thoroughly
- Check for holes
- Leave pest and rodent poisoning
Watch for potential mold issues
- Defrost freezer
- Add a dehumidifier
During the winter…
- Keep snow from the HVAC unit and other access points
- Keep roof snow pileup to a minimum.

Prepping for Spring and Summer
Here is a brief list of things to remember to do as you open your Park Model home back up for the warmer seasons.
- Check for Mold, Leaks, and Pipe Damage – As much as you may have taken preventative measures in winter preparations to keep your pipes from freezing, there is always the slight possibility that a small leak has occurred somewhere in the plumbing system. Conduct a thorough check of all pipes and lines in, and running to your Park Model. Check for mold growth along the way, which could be a sign of an existing leak or unsealed area.
- Open and Clean – Remove extra winter sealants and tape and give a thorough cleaning to your Park Model Home. Nothing feels better than a good spring cleaning! Throughout the summer, keep the bottom channel of sliding windows clean of debris so the weep holes do not get clogged.
- Pest Control – Check that no pests and critters have made your Park Model their residence as well. Spraying for pests can help guard against summer insect infestation.
- Clean Gutters – It is likely that your gutters collected debris over the winter season. Clean them out to ensure proper drainage off and away from the Park Model.
- Check AC unit – Check the AC unit and that it is functioning properly. You don’t want to reach the hotter months and be out of a cooling system!
- Snow Removal – Remove any snow that has built up under or on top of your Park Model that could cause moisture build-up.
- Change Air Filters – After use all winter, your air filter will probably need to be changed. This will help keep optimal air quality.
- Control Moisture – As previously mentioned, monitor the humidity. Utilize dehumidifiers to keep a 30-50% humidity level.
Park Model Insurance
Unfortunately, unforeseen damages and repairs are unavoidable. It would be wise to insure your Park Model home. If you are renting it out or listing it on a temporary rental site, it may even be required. We have compiled some helpful information on types, costs, and companies for Park Model Insurance.
In summary, you will most likely need insurance for Park Model transportation, general RV insurance and more, depending on its use. You may have to do some searching, and specifying as to what your park model is considered in working with the company. As Park Models grow in popularity, some companies have created policies specifically for them. Read More on Park Model Insurance.