Category Blog

How Are Tiny Homes Delivered?

how are tiny homes delivered?

For years, you dreamed of living tiny, and you finally found your dream park model tiny home at Zook Cabins. You placed your order, and now, you have been waiting for a few months for delivery, and you’re curious: “How…

Where Can I Legally Park My Tiny Home?

where can I park my tiny home legally

Tiny living allows you to maximize life experiences by not only finding an affordable housing option but also allows you to live in unique places. However, finding a place to legally park your tiny home can feel overwhelming, especially regarding…

What Are Glamping Pods?

What Are Glamping Pods

Being able to find a truly unique glamping experience is something that every adventurer dreams of. And while high-end tents have become very popular in the glamping space, glamping pods have become even more popular. Yet, not too much is…

What Are THOWs?

What Are Tiny Homes On Wheels

Most people know what a Tiny Homes is, but when they hear THOW, it can feel a little confusing. In this blog, we want to help you understand a THOW. How can you move it? If they are a good…

RVIA Tiny Homes VS NOAH Tiny Homes

what is an RVIA park model tiny home

While some people think tiny homes are still a fad, we believe that tiny homes are here to stay. However, how tiny homes are built is still an area that is being developed and understood so that the proper credentialing…

7 Best Park Model Home Skirting Options

best skirting for manufactured homes

Selecting the proper skirting for your park model home can feel like a boring part of the home-owning process. However, choosing the right kind of skirting helps you keep the heat in and the weather and pests out.  To help you…

The Clear Cut Guide To ADUs And Tiny Homes

ADUs vs tiny homes

ADUs vs Tiny homes, is there even a difference? As housing prices in the USA continue to stay at record highs, ADUS and Tiny Homes have become even more popular housing options. Yet, it is still unclear what exactly Tiny…

Ready for the Cabin Life?

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”

- Henry David Thoreau