Park Model Homes, a Short Term Investment Opportunity
Needing a small investment opportunity that quickly brings a return. With the trend toward tiny homes and vacation rentals, Park Model Homes make an ideal vacation home, or rental property. Adding value to your investment portfolio.
Want a place to invest, but not in the market for a large expensive home. Wishing you could turn a profit soon? A Park Model Home will produce a quicker return on investment than a normal residential rental would. Plus the overhead cost to design and build this cabin is significantly less than a traditional cabin or home. And while park model prices vary a lot depending on the size, quality, and extra amenities you want added, they are still a very affordable option.
So from a financial perspective, a Park Model Cabin is an excellent rental income investment. Our high-quality structures fill the niche between a RV and the traditional site-built home. Perfectly balancing space and cost. Are you interested in investing in a Zook Cabins Park Model Cabin? Check out our Pro Forma or use our Short Term Investment Calculator to see the potential returns you can expect.
Although Park Model Homes aren’t necessarily designed to support full-time occupancy. Use your cabin as your summer home in the mountains, or placed at a RV park or retreat center. They also make ideal seasonal homes or guest homes, and are easy to rent out via airbnb or via other vacation rental options. They are designed to be set up in RV parks, campgrounds or locations where smaller trailers are allowed.
So why is a Zook Cabin Park Model Home a good investment?

Why Park Model Homes Are a Great Short Term Investment
Save Money! No Need for A Permanent Foundation!
Unlike a standard home or cabin, our Park Model Cabins don’t require a full basement, crawlspace or foundation. Simply place your cabin on a stone pad, hook up your utilities, and you’re ready to turn a profit.
Also, because you don’t have a permanent foundation you have the ability to move your cabin at any time. This will, of course, take more effort than a normal RV, but it is possible. In most cases you will need a permit to move it. You may also want to hire a professional to ensure your cabin is handled properly and all local state laws and regulations are met.
Find out more about park model home building standards here.

Low-Cost Investment with High Return on Investment
Get the cash flowing with your own short term rental business. For instance, if you are starting with a new piece of land in Pigeon Forge, TN. Your total cost would be approximately $100,000. If you would finance $65,000 which is the maximum loan allowance for RV’s, that would leave you with an initial investment of only $35,000. This includes the cost of your Park Model Home as well as the infrastructure required, like hookups for water, electricity, sewer etc.
Based on a projected 80% Occupancy rate, per our Pro Forma [see below], your annual expenses, including the mortgage, Property Tax, Insurance, etc, would be $44,882.Now this is the exciting part. The projected annual revenue produced would be $73,000, leaving a Net Income of almost $30,000. This, in effect, would pay off your loan balance in just over two years. Now that’s a good investment.
Park Model Pro Forma And ROI In Pigeon Forge, TN
Park Model Pro Forma and ROI in Durango, CO
Park Model Pro Forma and ROI in Sedona, AZ
Park Model Pro Forma and ROI in Jackson Hole, WY
Investment Calculator
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Turn-key! Our Park Model Cabins come ready to go!
Our Park Model Cabins are built in our climate-controlled factory to ensure the integrity of the materials used, providing you with the highest quality cabin possible. You can look forward to the day your cabin is delivered. All you need to do is to stabilize your cabin, hook up the utilities and you can start to enjoy the cabin life. Our cabins come equipped with appliances and mini-split heating/cooling unit to keep you comfortable, no matter the weather.
Our Park Model Cabins are RV Certified!
So while site-built homes and even manufactured homes need to follow either local building codes or HUD standards, Park Model Cabins are actually classified as a recreational vehicle (RV). This allows our customers to get RV loans and insurance for their Park Model Cabins.
Oh, and did we mention that our Park Model Cabins are RV certified? That’s right, all of our Park Model Homes come with an RVIA Seal and VIN number and meet the ANSI A119.5 Code for recreational park trailers.
It’s Go Time!
After you complete the four steps listed above, you are ready to go! Go ahead and list your cabin on Airbnb or your campground website.
Our Park Model Log Cabins
The Pocono Park Model Cabin

Although this beautiful cabin is 44 ft long and 11 ft wide, it is designed to accommodate 4+ people. In addition to the bedroom and bathroom, this Pocono Park Model Cabin including’s a loft that overlooks the main living and kitchen area.
And don’t worry if the closest laundromat is 10 miles away, this cabin comes with a washer/dryer plus additional appliances. This really is the whole package. With a starting price tag of $88,600 (price dependent on delivery location) this incredible cabin will soon become your favorite spot to vacation.
Common Questions We Get About Park Model Homes!
Do Park Model Homes Hold Their Value?
Because a Park Model Home is classified as a recreational vehicle, like other vehicles, it will start to depreciate immediately. But due to the tiny house trends and the rise in small home living, our Park Model Cabins still retain a fairly high resale value. And in spite of the bad reputation, and durability questions people may have, our buildings are still built to a very high standard allowing your cabin to retain its charm for years to come.
Are Park Models A Good Investment?
While mobile homes generally have a bad reputation, a Park Model Home can be a great asset to your portfolio. In terms of the value, how long they last (usually up to 50 years with not more than the basic maintenance), and the price, a Park Model Home is a good investment that can quickly pay itself off and allow you to turn a profit. And with their rise in popularity in recent years, their resale value is still very high.
Can I Finance A Park Model Home?
A Park Model Home is classified as an recreational vehicle, and this allows you to get an RV loan and insurance for your Park Model Cabin. Because of this, they aren’t approved as a permanent residence and therefore you’ll need to look beyond your traditional bank for financing a Park Model Home. But there are many options available.
A personal loan is one route you can go, or another popular option for financing your Park Model Home is a chattel mortgage, which is a little-known finance option for a Park Model Home or any movable property. These generally have a higher interest rate with a shorter term length, which is ideal for a Park Model Cabin. In any case, due to the low cost/high ROI of our cabins, whatever financing option you choose, rest assured, you can have it paid off quickly.

Going From Here…
So now the decision is yours. Is a short term, high-return turnkey investment property in your sights? Request a quote or contact us to see how we can help you with your new Park Model Cabin or see our other cabin options and watch the profits start to roll in.