Rent a Cabin
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*Exact locations may be slightly different than what is listed on the map to provide a better user experience.
View All Available Rental Cabins

Pinecrest Park Model At Red Run Resort | New Holland, PA
- Pinecrest
- Guests: 6
- Bedrooms: 2
- Bathrooms: 1

Park Model Log Cabin At Somerset Resort | Friedens, Pa
- Pinecrest
- Guests: 8
- Bedrooms: 2
- Bathrooms: 1

Rockwood Park Model – Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania
- Rockwood
- Guests: 2
- Bedrooms: 1
- Bathrooms: 1

Mountaineer Deluxe – Old Forge, NY
- Mountaineer Deluxe
- Guests: 8
- Bedrooms: 5
- Bathrooms: 2

Mountaineer Deluxe – Saranac Lake, NY
- Mountaineer Deluxe
- Guests: 12
- Bedrooms: 8
- Bathrooms: 3

Rockwood Park Model – Highland Township, PA
- Rockwood
- Guests: 2
- Bedrooms: 1
- Bathrooms: 1

Mountaineer Deluxe – Vermontville, NY
- Mountaineer Deluxe
- Guests: 12
- Bedrooms: 8
- Bathrooms: 3
Reasons To Start A Zook Cabin Airbnb
Extra Income
Of course, one of the biggest reasons many people decide to Airbnb their properties is for the added income. If you are looking for ways to make some extra cash, then what better way than to rent out your cabin? Even though you might have a full-time job, you can still earn some extra revenue with a rental cabin. Your quiet, peaceful cabin could be the next Airbnb hotspot for guests from around the world. Find a property, design your cabin, and start making some extra income!

Perfect For Family Vacation
The beauty of owning your own modular cabin is that you are in charge of the schedule and the location. Whether it is on a mountaintop or nestled in the valley among the trees, you get to decide where to place your modular cabin. Also, now you have the perfect place to go for a family vacation. No more having to worry about reserving a place or finding a cabin available for you. You can go to your family cabin whenever it suits you.
We’ll Help Promote Your Airbnb!
If you choose to use one of our cabins here at Zook’s, we are happy to help you as much as we can. We know that many guests enjoy staying in a cabin for a mountain retreat weekend. So we do our best to promote the beauty of staying in one of our cabins. If you list your cabin under Airbnb, we’ll promote your location here on our site. After all, our biggest joy comes in seeing our cabins being put to use. We know that you will love your new cabin and that all of your guests will be sure to have an “unforgettable weekend” when they stay in a Zook Cabin for their mountain retreat.